After a long time, iFaith has been updated to version 1.5 which would let you save SHSH Blobs from iOS 5.x to iOS 6.x for A4, A5, A5X and A6X devices. In addition to saving SHSH Blobs on your computer and Cydia server, you can even dump those blobs and then use on your PC for the process of restore. If Apple’s currently signing any firmware, iFaith V1.5 lets you fetch SHSH Blobs for it and then save them on Cydia.
According to iH8sn0w, the developer behind iFaith, the tool would be able to save SHSH Blobs for the latest firmware version. However, these SHSH Blobs can’t be used for the purpose to downgrade or to restore on the same firmware version if anything newer is available for A5X and A6X devices. This is because there are no low level iBoot exploits or loopholes to perform the process. Hence, there’s a possibility that iOS hackers would find them in future.
To fetch the SHSH Blobs for the firmware Apple is currently signing, use “Show available SHSH blobs on Server” option on Version 1.5 of iFaith. For now, iFaith is available for download on Windows, but a Mac OS X version is in works. Also, the hacker hasn’t given any ETA for the same. For those who have saved SHSH Blobs for 5.x.x on A5X devices can do a re-restore to earlier firmware versions using this tool.
Check here more info on it. Let’s know what do you think about it in comment section below.
Download iFaith from this link.